Westwind’s Waves of KINDNESS School Wide Positive Social Emotional Behavioral Expectations
In an effort to create a visual tool for everyone in our community to use, we created a matrix (shown in table form) to promote Positive School Emotional Expectations considering kindness to self, others, and to place.
The creation of this matrix is the culmination of effort from our entire staff (at Professional Development days), from our Westwind "Wave of Kindness" committee, and support from our School District's Area Counsellor Team. We are planning to use this common language throughout our school: in classrooms, hallways, digitally, in the gym, and in the playground. At our most recent Pro-D day in May, we adjusted the language in the matrix to include "I can" statements. We will be creating activities for the first couple weeks in September so that students will understand and be able to explain to others the school-wide expectations of Kindness to Self, Kindness to Others and Kindness to Place.
Although we are still collecting data, when we consider the frequency of occurrences that students are sent to the office for assistance with problem solving (in relation to a lack of kindness), it is significantly less than last year, and as the 23/24 year progresses, it is easily noticeable that we have fewer and few instances. We will have a better longitudinal view of this data at the end of the school year, and use that as baseline for improvement in 24/25.