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Parent Advisory Council (PAC)

The Westwind Parent Advisory Council (PAC) is the officially recognized collective of parents and guardians at the school. Our mission is to promote effective communication between the school and families, and to encourage families to participate in discussion and decision-making in support of the goals set in collaboration with school faculty, staff and administration.

Who is a PAC member?

All parents and guardians of children attending Westwind Elementary School are automatically members of the Westwind PAC. While the PAC does elect a PAC Executive Committee each year, you do not need to sit on the PAC Executive to be an active PAC member. All members are encouraged to attend meetings and participate in PAC activities!

What does the PAC do?

The PAC meets monthly to discuss and make decisions about PAC activities and expenditures in collaboration with school administration. The PAC undertakes the following initiatives in support of the school community:

  • organizes PAC activities and events to provide parent education
  • encourages parent involvement within the school
  • communicates with parents and promotes cooperation between home and school
  • provides feedback on school programs, policies, plans and activities
  • fundraises to provide financial support for the goals of the school community

What are the PAC Executive Committee roles and responsibilities?

Chairperson – coordinates PAC affairs in cooperation with the other executive members. The Chairperson acts as the official spokesperson for the organization and makes a sincere effort to understand the school community, maintaining a spirit of loyalty and cooperation among the executive and parents. Acts as signing officer for the PAC. Serves a 2-year term.

Vice-Chairperson – assumes the responsibility of the Chairperson if the Chairperson is unable to attend or upon request, and will accept extra duties as required. Acts as signing officer for the PAC. Serves a 2-year term.

Treasurer – receives all funds for the PAC and disburses funds authorized by the executive or the members. The Treasurer maintains an accurate record of all expenditures of the PAC, provides a report of all receipts and expenditures at the general meetings and deposits all funds collected on behalf of the PAC. Serves a 2-year term.

Secretary/Communications – records and presents the minutes of all general, special and executive meetings. The Secretary keeps an accurate and up to date copy of the Constitution and Bylaws, and issues and receives correspondence and minutes on behalf of the PAC, distributing to the required parties. Serves a 2-year term.

2024/2025 PAC Executive Committee:

Chairperson: Jordan Rudek (term ending 2026)

Vice-Chairpersons: Desy Cheng, Natalie Barathan (term ending 2026)

Treasurer: Thomas Lai (term ending 2025)

Secretary/Communications: Jamie Hudson (term ending 2025)

How can members volunteer?

Any member can put their name forward for a PAC Executive Committee position. The positions are voted in during the PAC Annual General Meeting (AGM) in May of each year, with the Chair/Vice-Chair and Treasurer/Secretary sitting for staggering 2-year terms. 

Further, the PAC has a number of ongoing roles that require volunteers. For 2024/2025, we are grateful for the following coordinators & teams:

  • Hot Lunches – Jessica (still looking for a Grade 5/6 parent to take on pizza days which directly support Outdoor Education for Grade 6/7 students)
  • Fundraising Committee – Tasha, Christie, Joe
  • Parent Dance Committee – Meghan B., Tasha, Alanna, Tarin, Teri, Shawna
  • Yearbook Committee – Meghan H., Christine, Meghan P., Mellissa, Shelley (still looking for a Grade 7 parent to coordinate the Grade 7 pages for this year).
  • Gr. 7 Farewell Committee – TBA
  • Parent Education Coordinator - vacant

If you would like to help with any of these initiatives, please reach out to Jordan and he will put you in touch with the right people!

For more information:

Join our WW PAC Facebook page

Follow us on Instagram @westwindelementaryPAC

Read our Westwind PAC Community Updates

Attend a PAC meeting or contact Jordan at