Kindness to Self, to Others and to Place
We started our school-wide Waves of Kindness two years ago, and we have been weaving the theme throughout all we do at school, with Kindness Reminders in our morning announcements, Kindness Surfboards given out to students who are demonstrating kindness, examples of Kindness at our assemblies, and many Kindness conversations as needed with a variety of students.
At our first assembly this year, we reminded our students of our school-wide theme and why it was important, and when our Principal, Mrs. Tse, began to recite our school motto, here's what we heard...
Mrs. Tse: At Westwind, our school-wide theme is...
Mrs. Tse: And that means that we show Kindness to...
Students: SELF!
Mrs. Tse: ... Kindness to...
Students; OTHERS!
Mrs. Tse: ... and Kindness to...
Students: PLACE!
It was heartwarming to hear the students say our school motto so enthusiastically and confidently. Way to go, Waves!