The Wave of Kindness is Born...
As a staff, we have noticed through our scanning that our learners are often needing more explicit instruction to be able to demonstrate attributes such as kindness, respect and appreciation at all times.
Together, we discussed the attributes that we would want our students to have when they leave us in Grade 7, and the staff came up with final list of 6 attributes:
• Independence
• Kindness/Empathy/Compassion
• Respect
• Positive Attitude
• Responsibility
• Gratitude/Appreciation
During our May Professional Development Day, we spent time delving deeper into these attributes, and discussed the following questions in regards to each attribute:
What evidence shows us that students are already demonstrating this attribute?
What evidence shows us that students need more work in this area?
What can we do as a school next year to support students in developing this attribute further?
What resources would we like to access to help us meet our goals?
Following this Pro-D day, the concept of the "Wave of Kindness" was born! We discussed the fact that all of the attributes fit under the umbrella of "being kind to others". A staff committee was formed and will be working on developing and implementing a school-wide behaviour support plan for the fall of 2023 with this theme in mind. This is how we will "start a ripple and create a wave"!